Tears… Blogapy


tear-bozena-zajaczkowskaSunday night is usually ‘Big Brother’ night. Well… It’s ‘Big Brother’ for me… and ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ for Greg.

But Sunday night we were in Dallas for my Aunt’s funeral. We were surrounded by family… and it was very emotional. But the most emotional part was the phone call we got Sunday night.

It was a Dad. The dad of a 3 year old little girl. A little girl with Brain Cancer.

As Greg spoke to the man… all I could imagine was my daughter at 3. Skinny, sweet smiles, giggles…

This young patient… little girl…. is receiving the typical protocol… Chemotherapy with Avastin. And just the thought of it…. hurting her little tummy… her head… and not knowing why she is in so much pain… all the time… sick and not smiling… broke me.

I sobbed the tears of a mother that night. And couldn’t stop.

Greg and I both fell asleep with wet pillows Sunday night.

The Dad had called to ask questions about Cannabis Oil for his daughter who was suffering.

On the flight home last night… He texted Greg… to update us that she was feeling better using this new medication.

And although I have mixed feelings about the use of Cannabis Oil in children… My feelings as a Mom are very clear.

Any moment of peace that family is feeling… as a Mom… I want to let them know that the tears are worth it.



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