Yesterday I went to Harvard… They actually let me in and open my mouth! I know!!!!
It was at The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health in conjunction with Reuters… topic: Marijuana…
And the minute they handed me the microphone… I started by saying, “I can’t believe I’m speaking at Harvard… and I’m an expert on the topic.”
I don’t think there were any big laughs… my first joke bombed… let’s get down to business.
The discussion was regarding the impact Marijuana could have on kids.
I explained that I was an 8 yr. Brain Cancer survivor who started using MM in 2008. And having 2 kids and 3 step-kids who have grown up understanding that marijuana IS medicine.
It’s the drug that’s helping me battle my Brain Tumor…. and makes me better when I’m in pain… or shaking… or nauseous.
And that, as they range in age from 9 – 19, when my kids get handed a joint at a party… the first thing they say, or think quietly to themselves, is… “That’s my Mom’s Brain Cancer medicine”.
Shocker… I actually got a little clapping… Harvard clapping! Really smart people clapping. Oh yeah baby… I felt really cool!
So… since this panel was videoed… and I think will be seen by really important leaders and politicians around the world… Please consider this. Children learn what they are taught… what they are shown. Maybe by changing the conversation… we can change the perception… so that the next generation looks at this drug in many different ways… for mine… it is medicine.
Now, I’m not saying that my children will never try pot. It’s part of high school/college culture. BUT, they won’t ever look at it in the same way other kids do.
So… maybe that’s how we educate our children on drugs… Because “Just Say No” ain’t workin!